July 24, 2008


Post to me your instant thoughts about the word "Adeferytupitohegtijukler".

July 22, 2008

Ok then anyone heard of The Pink Spiders?

What about The Fratellis?

Some new bands eh?

What are your feelings about the album Pretty. Odd?

Is all


July 14, 2008

So yea, I'm posting way too often, but this is short.

I found my The Art of Drowning! I'm happy!

I found this new post-hardcore band I'm getting into called Scary Kids Scaring Kids maybe you've heard them?

I had a dream about Decemberunderground....it was cool...lots of bunnies...

July 11, 2008

Hey guys, I am bored yet again. I'm going to a burfday party on Saturday, which will be fun. Me and my friend Kayla a.k.a Lala keep on exchanging e-mails, I tell her to call me, she tells me to call her, its confuzzling, I bet she will finally get the guts to call me when I'm at the party...

I've been on Youtube lately as usual, and found some "Smith Puget Videos" hes hilarious, almost as hilarious as his brother, Jade.

I finally got Cex Cells, its awesome. But about sex, which disturbs me. I kept on saying "OH GOD THE MENTAL IMAGES!!!" but its still good. I just wonder who these songs are about, and who writes them....

I also got Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace, which is not as good as I thought it would be, but its still good. There was a good "lmfao" involved in listening to it....a good one though.

Is all.


July 5, 2008

Hey, its me again, I'm bored again, and listening to Rihanna, seriously. So uh, I am going to my cousins house, probably get some money, I am totally buying Cex Cells! Uh, well I made three huge realizations today...
1) Leah Miller likes AFI
2) Gerard Way isn't ugly and doesn't actually scare me
3) I like Rihanna

Yea, I know, I was surprised too. Leah Miller really is a huge fan of AFI, she said so herself, I thought she liked like The Jonas Brothers...wow.

Yea, I thought Gerard Way was ugly and scary, he isn't, I watched a total of 1 interview(s) of him, and realized he was adorable.

Yea, I sorta knew I liked Rihanna, but I didn't know I had a passionate love for her, my old friend, Samantha, is/was in love with her, I had no choice but to listen to her, but not until today did I realize how good she actually is.


Well, I was watching random videos on Youtube, and stumbled upon some AFI tour videos, and let me tell you, they are hilarious, I learnt a lot too, like that Jades nickname is Haday and I learnt how hard I can actually laugh...I also stumbled upon some Smith videos, which don't need explaining. I also looked up some artist I rarely listen to like: The Ting Tings, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Mobile and Jeffree Star. I quite enjoyed The Ting Tings and Scary Kids Scaring Kids, I didn't really listen to Mobile that much but, Jeffree Star...I don't know what else to say but, there's a lot of swears I didn't know about before I started listening to him.

I am also slowly falling in love with Blaqk Audio, as you heard above. Yes, I am certainly falling in love with this dynamic swoon-causing duo. Those three words were all you need to describe what BA does to me.

I am surprised at Hunter Burgan, he is going to have 4 bands pretty soon, isn't 1 enough? Seriously, first AFI, then Hunter Revenge, soon to be The Force and Hunter vs. Tegan? ...good luck with that.

That's all I have for now...


July 3, 2008

I know I'm shouldn't post here every couple of days, but I'm bored, I just got banned from the Despair Faction until August, and it sucks, its been 15 minutes, and I miss it, but I think that's a good thing, I was addicted.

I'm not sure what else to say...

I am babysitting my two year-old cousins on Sunday, I get $20 for each day, so thats good.

Hm, I am bored, watching random misheard lyric videos on Youtube, hmmm, well, I don't know what else to say, uh, well then, I will tell you the story of how I got the nickname Fraggle IN PINK!!

OK, it goes like this, I was watching TV, and happened to stumble upon a show called "Fraggle Rock" I thought the little guys were pretty cute, and I loved the name Fraggle, so at school the next day, I started calling people "Fraggles" they were always asking what the hell fraggles were, so I told them they were kinda like Muppets, I guess they didn't like that idea, or something, so they starting saying that fraggles didn't exist, and that I was probably just thinking about bagels, so whenever I called someone a fraggle they would say, "Its a bagel" so there was this debate between whether its a bagel or a fraggle, so I started getting people to say fraggle instead of bagel. One of the guys, I will keep him anonymous, loved the idea of fraggles, and one day on msn, he was on and my display picture was of fraggles, he said, "They look high" and that was it, he tried to convince people "Fraggles not bagels" but it didn't work. But then people got annoyed at me, so they just stopped. One day, we were playing 7up as a class, and I picked that guy, I was daydreaming, and he said "Fraggle" and I was confuzzled, then I realized he meant me, and after that, I was Fraggle.

That is all.


July 1, 2008

First Post!

Hallo, its my first time posting on this blog thing, I'm scared. I have no friends on this thing, so I doubt anyone will do my poll... But this is a blog, right? So I will say what is happening in my life.

It is Canada Day and I spent the day on the computer, what a wonderful life! I got some five-cent candies at Stop 'n' Go, so I am happy, the little coke marshmallow was not very good though, so I was pissed at the same time...

My bird just passed away, his name was Sam, I miss him very much, but to save the tears, I won't say the whole story...

By the way, last night I had the strangest dream, I was at an AFI show, they were playing Miss Murder, so I decided to make it my intermission, I pressed this button on the ceiling or something and it took me to the Despair Faction, I sent a personal message to this one person, he/she got pissed at me for not watching AFI when you are right at their show, so I decided to go back, AFI finally finished Miss Murder, then started playing The Interview, so I decided to go PM that one person again, this time he/she was nice, saying "Oh, sweet, hows it going?" and stuff. Then I went back to the concert and they started playing Totalimmortal, I was stoked so I listened in, and saw Jade, he was glowing, like some kind of saint, and I of course, was swooning, I woke up to The Days Of The Phoenix and Adam disappeared, but Hunter, Davey and Jade were dressed up as...clowns, then I woke up. I have to stop going on there.

That's all I have for now...