July 3, 2008

I know I'm shouldn't post here every couple of days, but I'm bored, I just got banned from the Despair Faction until August, and it sucks, its been 15 minutes, and I miss it, but I think that's a good thing, I was addicted.

I'm not sure what else to say...

I am babysitting my two year-old cousins on Sunday, I get $20 for each day, so thats good.

Hm, I am bored, watching random misheard lyric videos on Youtube, hmmm, well, I don't know what else to say, uh, well then, I will tell you the story of how I got the nickname Fraggle IN PINK!!

OK, it goes like this, I was watching TV, and happened to stumble upon a show called "Fraggle Rock" I thought the little guys were pretty cute, and I loved the name Fraggle, so at school the next day, I started calling people "Fraggles" they were always asking what the hell fraggles were, so I told them they were kinda like Muppets, I guess they didn't like that idea, or something, so they starting saying that fraggles didn't exist, and that I was probably just thinking about bagels, so whenever I called someone a fraggle they would say, "Its a bagel" so there was this debate between whether its a bagel or a fraggle, so I started getting people to say fraggle instead of bagel. One of the guys, I will keep him anonymous, loved the idea of fraggles, and one day on msn, he was on and my display picture was of fraggles, he said, "They look high" and that was it, he tried to convince people "Fraggles not bagels" but it didn't work. But then people got annoyed at me, so they just stopped. One day, we were playing 7up as a class, and I picked that guy, I was daydreaming, and he said "Fraggle" and I was confuzzled, then I realized he meant me, and after that, I was Fraggle.

That is all.


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